BenchOn CEO to present keynote speech at Mobility & Skills Global Forum

BenchOn is pleased to announce that our CEO, Mr Tim Walmsley, will be presenting a keynote speech at the Mobility & Skills Global Forum in Adelaide from 22-24 Nov 16.
The Mobility & Skills Global Forum aims to solve the growing issue of skills shortages in the face of large scale infrastructure, defence and other projects.
High numbers of globally sourced specialists, experienced engineers and STEM professionals will be required by industry to deliver the major nation building and defence projects that will underpin the transformation of the economy.
Workforce planning is becoming more essential as major corporations are now seeking to attract the best qualified and experienced engineers, project planners, and logisticians to deliver major large scale projects in Australia. Other countries are offering exciting and well paid opportunities, so how can Australia remain competitive?
Experience gaps and skills shortages within the Australian workforce will require corporations to undertake global searches for individuals to meet the growing needs of industry.
Tim Walmsley will be presenting on how employee underutilisation is holding back your business, industry and the Australian economy. He will then follow up with Plenary Sessions to discuss how collaborative industry ecosystems are essential to meet future talent demand.
We look forward to seeing you all there!