BenchOn awarded Start-Up of the Year in Defence Industry Awards


BenchOn are delighted and honoured to be named winners of the Defence Connect Australian Defence Industry Start-Up of the Year for 2019. The field of nominees across all the categories was astounding and an absolute testament to depth and breadth of capability present here in Australia.

We are proud to work as a key enabler for the defence industry and we welcome our growing partnerships with our key supporters as industry moves towards becoming a fundamental input to capability for the Department of Defence. Here at BenchOn we are all for growing a cooperative ecosystem of collaborative talent and love our role of helping companies find the best contingent talent hidden within other organisations.

One of the key takeaways from the night is just how very humble everyone remains, I don’t think one category actually expected their win! Again this speaks volumes about the kind of astounding things that people are doing every single day to ensure the safety of the Australian warfighter and how proud most of us are to play our tiny part.

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to DefenceConnect for the fabulous evening and of course, the judges, all of whom are well respected industry leaders from both within defence and the wider Australian industrial landscape, for spending what must have been considerable time to carefully weigh all the entries.

We would also like to call out our amazing tech team for all their hard work building a secure, scalable platform that easily allows for our clients to quickly get up and running, no matter which side of the equation they may be on. Yay Team BenchOn!

We would also like to thank all our amazing friends within defence industry itself, thank you for your patience as we scale, thank you for your incredibly generous input and suggestions, your seemingly neverending ability to “just take one more quick look” and tell us how we are tracking. For those who take the time to mentor us, also we are very grateful and could not do it without you!

Last but not least, we would like to thank our families and friends. Getting a project like this off the ground is no joke and you are all there, all the time! Thank you for picking up our slack at home and making sure our lives don’t implode.

We are truly grateful to be part of something as amazing as Australian Defence Industry. We love you guys!

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