
Idle staff will cost businesses more than money this holiday season

By BenchOn_admin / November 28, 2016 /

Heading into the holiday season, many small to medium businesses (SMBs) find they have to either let go of valuable but underworked employees or waste money on idle staff. Why do we accept this as common business practice? One Queensland startup suggests we don’t have to. Idle staff cost billions of dollars each year in…

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Don’t let your Employees Cost you your Business

By BenchOn_admin / November 14, 2016 /

Congratulations! All that hard work building your business has paid off, and you finally feel like you’ve made it. Business is booming, and the firm has grown from just you in the beginning (with a lot of coffee and sleepless nights) to an amazing team of around 15+ staff. You are so proud of the…

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